We'd love to give you a tour of our facility to see the machines prior to your pet’s appointment!

Digital Radiography
Why would my pet need digital radiography performed?
Tumors and obstructions
Assist in surgical approach to minimize surgery time
Respiratory infections
Identify or rule out cancer
Orthopedic abnormalities
Examine tooth abscesses, bones and teeth

CT Scanner
CTs gives us a 3 dimensional image of the entire animal inside and out. CTs give us detailed images of tumors, ruptured discs, brain lesions, blood vessels, cysts, adrenal glands and internal abscesses. Without our CT, these medical conditions can not be identified much less specifically located. EVDH provides affordable, same and next day CTs to our clients and referring veterinarians.
The conditions/diseases we find using our CT:
Prostate Cancer
Bulging Discs
Metastasized Tumors
Nasal Fungus
Brain lesions

Why would my pet need an ultrasound?
Issues with urination (UTI)
Imaging the uterus & prostate
Recurrent infections
Blood work indicates kidney problems
Provides organ architecture
Foreign body ingestion
Identification of urinary stones
Evaluate heart function
Preventative care
We highly encourage our clients to view the ultrasound process as it takes place!

Fiberoptic Otoscope
Our fiberoptic ear exams, performed by our video otoscope (MedRx), allow us to see down into your pet's ear canals for a clearer and more comprehensive idea of what could be bothering them.
Why would my pet need a fiberoptic ear exam?
Your pet keeps shaking or tilting their head
Ear infections
Bacterial and yeast infections
Buildup of debris
Redness and discharge
Unusual odor
Preventative care for seasonal allergies